60% of our Goal for 5,000 Books!
One year ago we applied with International Book Project to receive books sent to us in Honduras. We are excited to now see all the hard work come to fruition!
In June, we gathered 2,000 books in Denver.
We shipped the books to Kentucky to International Book Project.
International Book Project added our books to theirs to sum over 5,000 books.
Next month, the books will ship out and take 4-6 weeks to arrive by boat.
We are about to receive two pallets filled with over 5,000 books. The books include children’s books, text books, workbooks and instructional books in both English and Spanish. Once the books arrive, we will be transporting those books all across the country to different schools who have applied for our school library programs.
Our $5,000 for 5,000 books Campaign is now at 60% of completion! We’ve gathered the books, and now we just need your help finishing this campaign to get those books transported across Honduras. That means only 40 people to donate $50, or 20 people to donate $100. All of it adds up! How can you help chip in today??