We’re gearing up for our Share the Love Campaign,
and we need your support!
This campaign is all about spreading the word to help kids in Honduras gain access to books.
Pledge your nickels and dimes to help inspire new supporters to join our contact list and grow our community!

Share the love! Pledge your change to make change

  • Step 1: The Pledge

    Help incentivize new people to sign up for our contact list. Pledge your dimes and nickles for each new contact. We will combine pledges to earn $1 total for each new contact.

    5 cents per contact ($50 max)
    10 cents per contact ($100 max)
    25 cents per contact ($250 max)
    50 cents per contact ($500 max)

    We’re asking supporters to pledge small donations that we’ll combine to raise $1 for every new contact we add, up to 1,000 new contacts.

  • Step 2: The Campaign

    Share the Love will run February 7 - 21, 2025. Each new sign-up or follower will earn a $1 for Chispa!

    During this time, you can help us spread the word:

    - Share our Facebook page to get more likes.

    - Encourage people to visit our campaign website and sign up for our mailing list with their emails and mailing addresses.

    Our goal is to gather 1,000 new contacts and likes and earn $1,000!

  • Step 3: Donation

    Once the campaign is complete, we’ll count the total number of contacts and likes we gained and email you with the results.

    Your final donation will be based on the total number of additional email contacts, page likes, and mailing addresses we add to our contact sheet, up to 1,000 contacts.

    For example, if we gain 750 total likes, addresses, and emails, a 10 cent pledge would result in donating $75.

Why Your Pledge Matters. Your pledge allows us to turn every new contact into funding that directly supports our mission. It’s a simple and POWERFUL way to introduce more people to Chispa and expand our impact.

You already love Chispa Project—now you can help your friends and community discover why they should support kids in Honduras, too.

I’m ready to pledge!

We’re excited to spread the word and Share the Love about Chispa Project! Thank you for your pledge to make that happen.

Thank you for your support!